It has been a few weeks since our anniversary weekend on July 13-14 and we’re still so blown away by all of you who came out to celebrate with us! You made our weekend! By the end of the two days, we were crying some happy tears! Whether you dropped us a note or were able to swing by, we appreciate all the heartfelt wishes!
Here’s a little recap of our fun anniversary weekend! (Don’t miss the video below!)
We planned a shop anniversary party with hopes that many of you would come, but we had NO IDEA that you would pack out our little shop! Even the night before, we were wondering if anyone would really show up. Maybe it was the normal insecurities and doubt creeping in but to our surprise, we had a small but enthusiastic line when we opened our doors. From that point, we anticipated a steady flow but who knew that you guys would PACK OUT our shop in the next 30 minutes! It was wall to wall full of people! SO CRAZY! That was the most people we’ve had in our space all at once! A big thanks to all of you who waited in line patiently! We appreciate it! And congrats to those who waited and won our giveaways - the $100 shop gift card, the $100 workshop gift certificate and the plant collection valued at $100 all went to some excited people!
Here’s a look at our anniversary installation! We spent a full day putting this together! It’s made of up of around 125 honeycomb tissue balls. We used electrical wire to string them altogether and then fishing line to hang it from the ceiling. It looks great now, but it was a full day of going up and down our 14ft ladder and some tired arms (it’s a lot heavier than it looks!) to get it to stay where we wanted! But we’re so happy about how it came out!

Our anniversary weekend also included two workshops both special ones for our instructors too! It was Jenna Rainey’s first workshop back after her maternity leave and Eunice Sun’s last workshop before her baby arrives! Glad to have both these artists (and mamas) with us teaching watercolor workshops as part of our celebration!